Exciting news, our new website is up and running - RATC
Our new website is up and running at www.racismandthechurch.co.uk .
We've also launched a new exciting project called THE CHARTER OF CHANGE-
four guiding principles that churches, congregations and communities can use to guide the direction
of their work around diversity and racism.
Alongside that sits ‘THE GOOD FOUNDATIONS CHECKLIST’ - ten practical steps that can
be worked on over time, but lay out some clear deliverables.
And if you've not already signed up for the newsletter, it's a great way to stay in touch with news and upcoming stuff!
(Please share this with others)
Thanks, RATC Team

Racism & The Church
Bristol Mayor’s last big speech, at Bristol Beacon
Cost of Living Support
Employment and skills
Additional advice for older people
Additional support for disabled people
Council tax rebate
Mental health and emotional wellbeing
Cost of Living payments scam